Don't leave just because people were being fuckheads, that's what happens here. The new guys that make their 'newness" known get it bad. You won't be new forever, people won't be dumb... as dumb.
Seriously, join some groups and all that jazz. You haven't even given this site a chance yet.
HAHAH I'M FUCKING PUMPED FULL OF ENERGY AND I TOLD JESSIE THAT SHE CAN GO TO HELL. Now i just got done downloading a lot of music i have been wanting to dl for a long time and now i'm ready to go out and fuck some stuff up phone is ringing WOOT I'M NO LONGER STUCK AT MY HOUSE AND FOOL OF ENERGY.... Read More
feh. this place blows. bunch of weirdo people looking at naked pictures and wishing they had godzilla's powers. not for me, says sam the sham. i'm now boogitthefake
so me and sam was out the other day. it were fun. we pushed someone into the gutter. sam laughed. i laughed at sam. then sam looked into the sky and saw an eagle. we both hopped up and down. fun times.
so this is my first entry. welcome to the site. you are anonymous. create a profile!
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