I am going to officially be in training for my baseball career starting this Saturday. I've hired a personal trainer and coach to get me back in the swing of things (pardon the pun). I have my dad to thank for shelling out the bucks to get me a trainer and coach. I'm in good shape but my skills are a little bit rusty. I'll probably be doing endurance training excersizes (YUCK!!!
) But it'll all be worth it in the end (I'm hoping). I don't have to report for another 2 months or so. I've got time.
I hope you are having a great day!!

I hope you are having a great day!!

wow, though! that's really exciting! you must keep us all posted on how the training is going. and yes, post pictures of your hot muscles that you'll be developing. he he he.
now that i'm here i notice two things.
one: i look like your stalker. maybe i can get 2 pages worth of comments posted to this one journal entry of yours. i just can't get enough.
two: i feel funny calling you skier900. isn't there another name you would prefer? pimpdaddy perhaps? mr. sexy big brain? swing batta batta?
oh wait, and i have thought of a third. actually i realized this yesterday afternoon: i love it when you call me shorty. i think that's one of the greatest terms of endearment. it makes me feel totally hot for some reason. the only other pet name that has come close to this was one from a boyfriend two years ago. he called me lil' fox. ha. i think i don't usually get pet names like shorty because 5'7" is actually not short. people say i'm rather tall for a girl.
ok. how is your day going? do you work a regular 9 to 5? are you anticipating the weekend as eagerly as i am?