So some of my recent work that I have done lately, I thought I would share for those of you who actualy read my blogs. First off I had the pleasure of coming out to Seattle again and working with some of my favorite models, @cadavre @delaney_ @hemi_ @frazetta and some new ones @tyrande. I also got a chance to shoot with the awesome @zaphod_, a lot of new sets coming out soon.
On another note I've been shooting a lot for my site and magazines, and have been published several time in inkpushers, savage and ms.bombshell as well as ivy magazine. I am also pleased to announce that I am started my own magazine Innovative Creations and we are scheduled to publish our first issue on June 1st. So check it out and like our page! You can fallow me on Instagram too skidtography. Now I leave you with some of my recent work for my site and portfolio, check it out on Facebook Skidtography.