Went for a bike ride and it started to rain, I guess it is time to change my tires, the trainer made them square... Bad news at work today, to preface my boss whom owns my company pays my salary out of pocket. My boss wants me to take a 50% pay cut until we get our DARPA contract in. We have been awarded the contract but have not yet gotten the money in yet. It is a lot of money so I can understand where he is coming from. I will do the last page for my portfolio and add a bit of my art/design experiments and put that online and apply for jobs. I am also going to sell some stuff on ebay, get some scratch and go from there. I have contingency plan but it is for job loss and not temporary cut back.
the guy you met was Cole (Ref U.G.). i just went to his 50th b-day on sunday. he's a good guy. his gf is Eva Lucien, hands down, in my opinion, the best player on the entire league. also a great person.