Since I was about 10 or so my life has been one crazy, supernatural rollercoaster. Both my mother and I are pretty in-tune to our environments, including those that are paranormal, which we have learned to accept and are not so creeped out by it anymore. I could tell you a million weird incidents that have happened but I'll stick to the one that is reoccurring...
When I was 17 I moved with my mother, step father, and brother out of the city and into a very small hamlet in the country. The house was brand new, never been lived in. My brother and I were less than stoked to be moving out of the city where everything was so accessible and convenient, and in retrospect, I think we may have brought some of our wild, teenage negativity with us and perhaps christened our new home a bit too early with it.
After a month or so, when we were fully settled in, I remember waking up at 2:30am with a heaviness on my chest and my laptop screen on. I could feel someone or something there in the darkness. There was enough light coming from the computer to be able to see silhouettes in my room but there were none. I could just feel it. This first encounter scared the shit out of me and once that heaviness lifted I turned on the light and stayed up until the following night. Shaking and sweating, there was no way I would get anymore shut eye that night.
The next night I made a point to close my laptop but that didn't prevent me from waking up at the exact same time as the previous night with my laptop open and on, shining right into my face. I didn't experience any heaviness on my chest but I still felt the energy of something or someone. I was still creeped the fuck the out but a little less so, so I just started talking to whatever it was that was inside my room. Just basic conversation, "how are you?" "what are you doing up so late at night?" and telling them a bit about myself. This actually calmed me down and I talked until I fell back asleep.
I came home during the day one time to a fully rearranged room. My step father had been gone on a work trip and my brother was moved out at that point. I brought my mom into my room and showed her and asked if she did this....nope! She had also been experiencing odd, supernatural behaviours as well so we just chalked it up to that.
The whole waking up at 2:30am every night thing would continue until I left home, but every single time that I go home to visit and sleep over, it never fails to happen. Last time I even felt my covers being tugged at. I am so immune to it now so I just continue to make conversation with it until I fall back asleep.
Thank you @lyxzen @missy @rambo for this spooky, festive @bloghomework topic! Lately I've found myself talking about these experiences more and more so it's great to share them with the SG community!