This weeks @bloghomework from @lyxzen @missy @rambo is asking what the most amazing/hilarious/disastrous romantic gesture you have ever pulled off, witnessed, or been the subject of?
Last summer my partner brought me to his hometown to meet his parents and to take in all the beauty that Newfoundland has to offer. We took a drive one night all around St. John's and he pointed out specific places that held some meaning for him...that in itself was pretty amazing cause I felt he was letting me in to this whole other part of his life I never knew. We continued to drive around and then drove up this swirly road to Signal Hill, a historical spot where the last battle of the Seven Years' War took place and also where the first transatlantic wireless transmission was received. Not only does Signal Hill offer a great historical report, but it also provides you with the best view of the city and the ocean. We got out of the car, wandered over to the edge and looked out over the city. He then took my hand and looked at me and told me all of those mushy things everyone loves to hear and pulled out a replica of Usagi Tsukino's engagement ring (if you know how much I love Sailor Moon, then you'll know that this is a big deal!). Everything was perfect about this night, the view, the city, the weather, the drive, the fresh excitement of being somewhere new and important, and he really made me the subject of the most amazing romantic gesture!
The most amazing romantic gesture that I have ever pulled off also involves St. John's and a whole lot of trying to keep my mouth shut so that I didn't ruin a good surprise...
This past winter holiday my partner left for his annual 2 week Christmas visit to St. John's. Oddly enough, I was looking forward to spending the holidays with my family this year and decided to stay. After dropping him and his brother off at the airport, I decided to endure the two hour drive to my mother's and stay there for a few days. This being our first Christmas and New Years as a couple, I was a little sad to have to spend it in different time zones. Once all of the Christmas dinners and drunken reunions with old friends had passed, I went home and toyed with the idea of surprising Patrick on New Years and flying out to see him. I'm the type of person who acts impulsively so not much thought was given and I booked a ticket for the next morning at 4am. Needless to say, I didn't sleep. I texted his mom (the sweetest lady on the planet, I swear) and told her my plan for surprising Patrick and she was SO gung ho on the idea, which made me feel good. All the while I wanted to message him and ruin the surprise cause I was beyond excited, but I somehow found the strength in me not to. Willpower at it's finest! I remember landing in St. John's with the hugest grin plastered all over my face and an odd sense of home in my heart. The drive back to the house seemed to take so insanely long but when I saw the look on Patrick's face it was all totally worth it. He looked at me as if I dropped out of the sky, all astounded and was perfect.