Heh... looks like I'm behind the times.... SG is all weird and "Myspacy" now. Well, here's some pix from Provincetown, MA, out on Cape Cod. They are better viewed in the blog section... damn these megapixels!


i got the anti-nowhere league comp in the mail yesterday...i like it a lot so far. the templars song is good, same with haircut and bulldog samurai. i guess the japanese are making some pretty good oi! these days...i'm partial to the french and belgian stuff, though...more melodic and textured (have you heard the Veros? it's the drummer from Snix...mebbe you knew that). i agree that it can get repetitive (especially some of the american post-hardcore variety). a couple exceptions are the Legionaires, Oil! and Hard Skin (the last 2 bands make some funny ass songs).

i can definitely burn some stuff for you...just shoot me your address in an e-mail...i don't have tons of it, but i can get a disc together...what kind of stuff do you have already? i don't want to give you any repeats...i keep calling that anti-disco league comp "anti-nowhere league" for some reason. it looks like you have a fine family yourself. when my wife and son are out of town i get torn between missing them and enjoying the space...