geez...I think I fell into a void in space and time there for a bit because how the hell is it already March 11!! *sighs* Well I was never able get my tattoo however many weeks ago it was that I was suppose to...they were covered up and I'm not a person who has time to wait for hours so I'm going to try again this Friday with my hubby as a belated bday gift (today is his bday) so I'm happy about being able to go with him...he never gets to come with me when I get will be fun
My baby Boo had his 2nd birthday (march 2) and ever since he is totally acting the part of a terrible two year old...rebellious, demanding, independent, and at times cruel
We're still working on saying words but other then that I'd say we have come a long long way from his lil 2lbs 10oz self
On to the geeky side of me; I finally finished watching (thank you netflix) all of the Dr. Who Season 4 and holy crap! I can't wait to see what happens in the next season because they wrapped it up so well! But I have to ask, was anyone else bothered by Rose's larger then last time overbite?
Also anyone who's in the North Alabama area, my hubby's band Bastard Fish will be hosting/perform a party in Grant....the middle of no where I know but it's gonna be a fuckin awesome show! And you can meet me
lol oh...and the band...I guess...

My baby Boo had his 2nd birthday (march 2) and ever since he is totally acting the part of a terrible two year old...rebellious, demanding, independent, and at times cruel

On to the geeky side of me; I finally finished watching (thank you netflix) all of the Dr. Who Season 4 and holy crap! I can't wait to see what happens in the next season because they wrapped it up so well! But I have to ask, was anyone else bothered by Rose's larger then last time overbite?
Also anyone who's in the North Alabama area, my hubby's band Bastard Fish will be hosting/perform a party in Grant....the middle of no where I know but it's gonna be a fuckin awesome show! And you can meet me

SLC is calm I think. We actually have all 4 seasons, which is cool lol, so you can tell the differences in the year all the time. If you like the outdoors you'd enjoy it here, there's plenty of things to do, hike, boat, skii/snowboard, rock climb, ATV, rock crawl lol. Wether by foot, on a bike, or in a Off-Road vehicle, this place has you covered! Lakes nearby as well for your water needs
If you dont like the outdoors though, then this place doesnt have a big night life, you still have your clubs in downtown SLC, but you'll only find them busy on the weekends, and even then they are cutting off your booze supply at 1am and closing down at about 2:30AM lol, so it's kinda restricted in that sense.
Oh and lets not forget the worse part (at least for me) the beer is 3.2% from the store, and you have to go to the state liquor store to get anything above. I stick to steel reserve for that 8.1% lol