I really don't have too much going on today. I have a long To Do list of errands that need to be run and a few more props to get for my shoot on friday. I can't wait! I had my sister dye a few of dreads yesterday so I have a bit of a colored fountain on top of my head ha! It will be fun.
It's freezing here! I am more then ready for Spring to come! The South really shouldn't be this cold...blah...
I'm already starting to plan Asher Boo's Bday Bash. He doesn't turn two until March 2nd but I thought that since this is his Star Birthday maybe I would go with the obvious Star theme...well some ppl call it a Golden Birthday but I'm very not into the color gold so
But his birthday falls on a Monday and as a kid I ALWAYS had my party on my birthday (none of that weekend before or after shit) so I'm trying to decide what to do about his...I mean he's only two so it's not like his friends are in school or anything *shrugs* Plus I'm not even sure who to invite.....baby birthdays are weird......
I can't wait for the Bastard Fish Party Saturday!! I feel like I haven't gone out and partied in FOREVER! So to make up for lost time this will be crazy
It's freezing here! I am more then ready for Spring to come! The South really shouldn't be this cold...blah...
I'm already starting to plan Asher Boo's Bday Bash. He doesn't turn two until March 2nd but I thought that since this is his Star Birthday maybe I would go with the obvious Star theme...well some ppl call it a Golden Birthday but I'm very not into the color gold so

I can't wait for the Bastard Fish Party Saturday!! I feel like I haven't gone out and partied in FOREVER! So to make up for lost time this will be crazy