oh my it's been awhile! I have been running around like a mad woman trying to catch-up on all my work here and there and boy, I am exhausted and still have a ways to go! *exhales* I have been able to make time to excerise everyday....go me and my resolution!
Welp, the boys of Bastard Fish are going in this Saturday to record and I am more then excited for them! This is a big step for them..now they will be able to get their name and music out there to more ppl. woot woot! I'm just so proud of my hubby for finally just taking that leap and doing what he fucking he loves....that's what life is all about right? Doing what you love...waking up everyday (or night) with a smile and being like 'fuck yeah!'...yeah....gotta love their attitude...and on top of it all, now that I have a son of my own I want him to be able to see that anything is possible if you set your mind to it (how corny does that sound? lol). I am far from a traditional parent and i think thats awesome! I wish my parents had been more open about shit with me growing up...but I guess that just drives me to be a better parent for my own son...even if right now all he's doing is screaming in my ear...lol
Bastard Fish

Welp, the boys of Bastard Fish are going in this Saturday to record and I am more then excited for them! This is a big step for them..now they will be able to get their name and music out there to more ppl. woot woot! I'm just so proud of my hubby for finally just taking that leap and doing what he fucking he loves....that's what life is all about right? Doing what you love...waking up everyday (or night) with a smile and being like 'fuck yeah!'...yeah....gotta love their attitude...and on top of it all, now that I have a son of my own I want him to be able to see that anything is possible if you set your mind to it (how corny does that sound? lol). I am far from a traditional parent and i think thats awesome! I wish my parents had been more open about shit with me growing up...but I guess that just drives me to be a better parent for my own son...even if right now all he's doing is screaming in my ear...lol
Bastard Fish