ok, my last day on here for a while. at least until i get my bank account sorted on return to the UK.

it's been fun. smile
but far to short hmmph
lettering a comic book can actually drive you insane.

less than month till i fly back to the UK. frown
went to the zoo again with some friends. it was nice to go do something on a weekend. once again confirmed that i want to own a tree kangaroo. 

i think the dog just ate half my pizza. little bastard.
what is a tree kangaroo?

everytime i go to the zoo i remember how badly i want one of those tiny little monkeys that look like lions. and the weird thing is that i despise all monkeys except those ones.
i added a quick background to that trinity pic last night. just uploaded it.
you know yr fantastic and talented, but im gonna tell you again anyway. yr fantastic! and talented!
well i took a nap before and now im wide awake and its about 2am. this is no good.
i hope yr headache went away
fuck me, i have a beard. i wasn't even trying to grow one, i just didn't shave for a week and it appeared.

something to deal with this weekend, i suppose.
smile ops clicked it twice..
yea.. hangovers suck..
lol.. shake it easy..

[Edited on Aug 01, 2003]
i upped a drawing in my pics of trinity from the matrix that i just drew. check it out, and please ignore my horrible grammar.
wow, that's really good!
hey lovely.
oh yr quite the popular/talented one today!
awwwww don't be jealous. i wish you were there.
there wasn't too great of a turn out cos warped tour was the same day. it was weird, just chilling in the dressing room and then having aimee pull out her cell and call Hunter of Afi to leave him a vmail. psssh, that little lady got some crazy connections. good charlotte wants to take them on tour. whatever
AIMEE SAYS HI by the way. i wish you could have come!
anyways, im putting up a few pics in *my pics* we didn't take too many tho. no live ones, just weird candid ones.

i probably wont be able to hang out tomorrow...BUT anytime this weekend/next week is good.
lemme know
had a good weekend. saw terminator 3, and was pleasantly surprised. it's actually a really good film, and clears up some of the messiness of the 2nd film's time travel. plus, you know, claire danes.

last night had some sort of weird attack - i had trouble breathing and my chest got very tight. the more i thought about my breathing, the harder it got...
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you know Claire Danes is the ONLY reason i'd see t3.
i was actually watching my so called life last night.
i had the same thing happen..with the weird attack, but it was a panic/anxiety attack when i was walking home after being overwhelmed/upset. blaaaaaa
thanks for the hug biggrin
i hope you are feeling better!
finnally somebody else that liked t3!
i really like the ending, only wish there were robots!
great drawing of the girl with the guitar
so what comic are you drwing?
had to take out my ear piercing last night as it had gone weird and started hurting. i guess i'm not meant to have bits of metal stuck in me - i can't keep a piercing for longer than a year.

soooo much to do today, and tomorrow morning, before i fly to san diego. fuuuuuck.

i get in at 6.45 so i guess i'll...
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good luck in san diego!!!
the drawing i uploaded to my pics section the other day is being coloured by a friend. i'm waiting up for it. once it's done i can sleeeeeeeep. except not too long, as i have to finish inking the pages i'm working on.

ladytron's cover of oops is fucking awesome.
Cool, man, i'll see you at the show then. Eric's a really cool guy, hope the project works out with him. Anyway, should be a good time, and that's cool that you've been hearing good things about Rex. Makes my heart proud. biggrin
last night as i was going to bed one of the cats leapt out of my chest of drawers, where it had apparently been hiding. it made me jump so much i went to get out of bed, swinging my legs round...to the exact point where the cat had decided to jump onto my bed. poor bugger went flying across the room. i felt so...
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haha you called the cat bugger smile
i love english terminology.
Hey, man, I just saw your post on the boards about the SD con. You should make time to go to the Con-Damnation thing. Half of networking at the cons is going to the parties, and if I have any say in it (and I have a liiiittle, though not much) there should be some cool industry peeps at the party. Also, if you want to, come by and see me at the con, my booth will be on Image Island, booth #1817. I can't give you a job, but I'd be down to check out your work. Oh, you probably have no idea who I am. My name's Eric J and I draw Rex mundi for Image. Good luck at the con in any case. Trying to drudge for work sucks, I sympathize, man, but make time to have fun. More deals get started at the parties than do on the floor, just to let you know. Take care.