100 Truths!

1. Last beverage- Gatorade. How strange... I never drink Gatorade!
2. Last phone call- Last night when I ordered a takeaway. Yum!
3. Last text message- My mum, tellin me to buy a birthday card for my cousin (I'm forgetful)
4. Last song you listened to- Hmm... the radio was on this morning, but I can't remember what was last.
5. Last time...
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I'll bite!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

100 Truths!

1. Last beverage- A & W Rootbeer (Icy cold)!
2. Last phone call- To my husband - to tell him the results of my biopsy.
3. Last text message- Redbox - with a free movie code
4. Last song you listened to- Hmm... the radio was on this morning, but I can't remember what was last.
5. Last time you cried- This morning - durring the biopsy - it hurt!
6. Dated someone twice- Yes.
7. Been cheated on - Yes. By my ex - that's one of the reasons why he is my ex.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it- Oh,Yes. But hey, what's done is done!
9. Lost someone special- Yes. Multiple times.
10. Been depressed- Yes. For years, depression was a constant companion.
11. Been drunk - Never.(Absolutely true!)

12. Crimson
13. Teal
14. Sage

15. Made new friends - Yes
16. Fallen out of love- No. Actually, love him more than ever....
17. Laughed until you cried- Many times.
18. Met someone who changed you- Everybody changes me. Everyone has their impact, even if it's just a change of perception. So yes.
19. Found out who your true friends were- Yes, and sometimes it was a sad realization....
20. Found out someone was talking about you- Yes
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list- Only in cyberspace.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life- two
23. How many kids do you want to have- How does this fit into the "THIS YEAR" section? Can't have any.
Do pets or current husbands count?
24 Do you have any pets- Two uber-cool cats.
25. Do you want to change your name- No
26. What did you do for your last birthday- Relaxed (That's worth a lot these days)
27. What time did you wake up today- Just before 6 am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night- Tossing in bed.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for- Can't wait to go to the Ren Fair.
30. Last time you saw your father- 17 years ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life- I wish I had met my husband sooner.
32. What are you listening to right now- Quiet
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom- Yes - and he's a pompous PIA
34. What's getting on your nerves right now- Right now? My kitten - I need to get her "fixed"...
38. Zodiac sign- The thirteenth one....Look it up....
39. Male or female- Female and glad of it...
40. Elementary- My Dear Watson
41 Middle School- You'd die laughing
42. High school- Several one rich, two Ghetto
43. Hair color- Dark Brown
44. Long or short - Growing it out - so long - getting longer
45. Height - 5ft 7in
46. Do you have a crush on someone- My husband.
47. What do you like about yourself- When I'm wrong, at least it's for the right reasons
48. Piercings- None (In homage to my Mom)
49. Tattoos- None (In homage to myself - I like not being part of the pack!)
50. Righty or lefty- Righty

51. First surgery- Today
52. First piercing- See above
53. First tattoo- See above
54. First best friend- Ah... Died at the age of six - burned alive from a spark from a wall heater.
55. First sport you joined- "Joined"? volleyball - third grade - was a right of passage at my school.
56. First pet- Pickles - cat
57. First vacation remembered- Hmmm... Disneyland. LA Baby remember...
58. First concert- Bonnie Raitt.... years and years ago!
59. First crush- Ricky Murphy
60. First alcohol drink- Lava flow!

61. Eating- No
62. Drinking- No
63. I'm about to- Take a nap
64. Listening to - Nothing
65. Waiting for- Nothing
66. Want kids- at one point yes, now no...67. Want to get married- Haha... oh boy... never again!
68. Careers in mind- I took a wrong turn and don't know if I can escape

69. Lips or eyes- Both
70. Hugs or kisses- Again... both
71. Shorter or taller- It really doesn't matter.
72. Older or Younger- Again... it really doesn't matter
73. Romantic or spontaneous- Why am I constantly being made to choose!? Both are good!
74. Nice stomach or nice arms- Stomach....
75. Tattoos or piercings- It's all cool
76. Sensitive or loud- Both again
77. Hook-up or relationship- I'll stick with my relationship - Thank you!
78. Trouble maker or hesitant- Oh, now this one's easy... Trouble maker! I always go for the brat....

79. Kissed a stranger- Yes
80. Drank hard liquor- Yes
81. Lost glasses/contacts-Yes
82. Sex on first date- Yes
83. Broken someone's heart- Umm... I don't know... maybe
84. Had your own heart broken- Yes
85. Been arrested- No
86. Turned someone down- Yes
87. Cried when someone died - Yes
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex- Not in "that" way....

89. Yourself - ......................... Sure!
90. Miracles - Yes
91. Love at first sight - Yes
92. Heaven- No
93. Santa Claus- No
94. Kissing on the first date- Yes
95. Angels- No

96. Is there one person you want to be with right now- Yes
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time- Yes
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever- Yes
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without - Oxygen
100. Hoping other people do this- Always interesting when they do...

Hi, I've spotted you in the poly group; I think that makes 5 UK members now. Very exciting. Anyway I don't normally request friendship on such short aqcuaintance, but I think it's rude to read journals without commenting, so I thought I'd let you know that I'll be dropping by for a read. smile
A significant and important chapter in the story of my life has now closed behind me. A chapter filled with, at different times, periods of immense joy and raw pain.
The last two weeks were the transition from the last chapter to the new one.
This morning, a new chapter begins. I anticipate a tough time ahead, but ultimately a light at the end of...
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New road ahead - new challenges - new opportunities. Exciting and scary at the same time.

I'd say best of luck - but we make our own luck...
Hope your passage to the new chapter is smooth and you keep the best parts of the past one with you.
Going out and seeing friends tonight was so good! Exactly what I needed!
Glad to hear it!

It always amazes me that people actually read what I post. I usually just post my ponderings on whatever I'm interested in at the moment - sort of a stream of conciousness. I'm always exploring something.

Right now, I've been reflecting on middle class values and consumerism. Our society has pushed the values of consumerism to expand our markets - a constant round of rising expectations. But our current economy has brought a dose of realism. - we are now having to contend with the concept of lowered expectations.

Which brings me to exploring core values - of simplfying my life - and a better understanding of what brings true happiness. In other words a return to the basics and a rejection of consumerism. (Of course, if everyone rejected consumerism - than the economy would get worse - and expectations would need to be further lowered....)

Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it more than you could guess....
cheers man.i'm sure i'll be visiting again smile
My boss's daughter was murdered in Japan two years ago and it's just coming up to the two year anniversary. He owns a small, family-run business and I was at their home tonight as they were getting ready to go to Japan tomorrow to try to raise the profile of the case over there.
The mother and sister did a radio interview earlier in the...
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IMurder is so devastating, so pointless, so final. When you lose a family member to disease - at least you are somewhat prepared. You may hope for the best - but in your heart you know the chances are they won't pull through. You can be somewhat prepared for it.

It's so hard to witness the pain that results from that kind of loss.

As you said - it does put things into perspective. whatever your problems - there IS a light at the end of the tunnel. You are right to seek out a little escape from it all. Do something that's a treat. Remind yourself that there's a lot out there that's worth living for.

Take care. My thoughts are with you....
There isn't a lot you can say to something like that. It must feel like such a long way from home.

I wish you every luck with the case. xxx
Oh boy.
Just when I think I'm doing OK, I crash.

*slaps himself in the face* OK, gotta pull myself together.

...and I'm feeling better again. A bit.

Fuck, life is hard sometimes! whatever


What I really feel like doing right now is driving really fast. Dangerously fast! I'd like to do it on the roads, but I won't, I'm too conscientious.
I wanna take...
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seems to me like you've got some anger you need to vent mate.i'm like that.havn't found my vent yet though
I wanted to put another song up on my blog post today, but I couldn't find one that sums up today's thoughts and feelings. It's been a bit too varied today.

But I'm alright, Jack! wink
These Dylan song posts are almost becoming a bit of a series!
Well, what can I say, they reflect the moods I'm going through these days so well. I'm feeling a bit more chipper today. smile

I ain't lookin' to compete with you,
Beat or cheat or mistreat you,
Simplify you, classify you,
Deny, defy or crucify you.
All I really want to do
Is, baby,...
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Bob Dylan = king smile
You read these articles and can't help but wonder how much of it is really true - maybe it's just a case of true for the writer....

Go 'way from my window,
Leave at your own chosen speed.
I'm not the one you want, babe,
I'm not the one you need.
You say you're lookin' for someone
Never weak but always strong,
To protect you an' defend you
Whether you are right or wrong,
Someone to open each and every door,
But it ain't me, babe,
No, no, no, it ain't me,...
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I'm in a difficult and confusing place at the moment. There's some upheavals going on in my life which are leaving me feeling a little disorientated. And I've had a lot of thoughts and feelings and stresses that I've been bottling up for a while now. And last night I got a lot of it out of my system.

And it felt good. biggrin
Was it because SoulShaker was playing country music the other day?

Glad you feel better though.
hey.was cool hanging out with you at the weekend.hope you're cool mate smile
Is there anything more fun to watch than this?

whats new?
i know.it almost makes me cry.ALMOST i love the wii fit vid biggrin