Hi HeathenUK
Your application for the group Sick Humour has been declined.
The reason for this could be that there is already a group that covers the topic you proposed, or that it wasn't considered suitable for the site.
Ah man, I was declined again.
I don't think it's unsuitable. I explained my reasons in my group application, and can't be bothered to go through them here.
The only group I've seen that looks similar is the Allied Comedy Deathsquad Camp, but there's no criteria about how to get in... seems to be based on the group owner's whim... I dunno, whether he likes your pic or something. I may be wrong, but if that's the case I don't really wanna be part of a clique anyway. Would like something a bit more inclusive, which mine would have been.
Aw man...
I can't believe a humour group is private wtf? the only ones I've come across were the animal rights group (which is now open) and the conservatives group (their active thread was "no you cannot join" as well
You could always pitch a straight "humour" thread and had a sick jokes section