I have avoided positioning myself squarely as an anti-psychic debunker. Life is too short. Perhaps I don't really care quite enough about the issue. I may not like what people like [Derek] Acorah do, I may even get heated on the topic if you get me started off the record, but there are finer things in life to be concerned with.
- Derren Brown, Tricks Of The Mind, 2006.
What am I doing? It seems that at times I focus so hard on the effort to attack things that I forget to concern myself with those finer things in life. Why is it that I find it so hard to find something positive to focus on rather than constantly working myself up into an angry state over all the things I dislike?
Or maybe I'm asking myself the wrong questions. Maybe instead of asking "Why can't I find something positive?".... maybe I should be asking myself "What do I want out of life?
I feel like some soulsearching is in order.