I really like that. I've been wanting to get some sort of tattoo regarding a theme like that, also.
I finished reading that book! I dunno if I said that before. I disagree with some of the reasoning... I was thinking of posting a couple of those in my blog sometime, but then I'd have to actually buy the book from the bookstore, and I'm too broke right now.
It's not that I label others, in fact, I try hard not to. But it's impossible to go without judging someone, even a bit, when they tell you "I'm ---". Like, I'm a christian. Or especially, I'm fundamentalist. If I don't know much about you and all I've got to tell is that, I'm immediately going to think a bunch of other adjectives that go along with that word, and they won't be mostly positive. I don't want other people to think badly of me either, because of that, even though I know judgement is impossible.
Congrats on your new ink...so was it what u expected?
Yeah, pretty much. I'm really pleased with it!
I finished reading that book! I dunno if I said that before. I disagree with some of the reasoning... I was thinking of posting a couple of those in my blog sometime, but then I'd have to actually buy the book from the bookstore, and I'm too broke right now.
It's not that I label others, in fact, I try hard not to. But it's impossible to go without judging someone, even a bit, when they tell you "I'm ---". Like, I'm a christian. Or especially, I'm fundamentalist. If I don't know much about you and all I've got to tell is that, I'm immediately going to think a bunch of other adjectives that go along with that word, and they won't be mostly positive. I don't want other people to think badly of me either, because of that, even though I know judgement is impossible.