WOOOOOOO Im back more eccentric and slightly more unhinged than i was last time
I hope some of you have missed me but im glad to be back
Hope all are well and that you have had fun lol
In my news job is going good have a pet praying mantis called sanderson and have a WII and PS3 YAY still nae in flat on own yet

but working on it or frind someone cute with her own place and then im set lol
WELL im heading off for that thing normal people call supper lol laters and and keep well

I hope some of you have missed me but im glad to be back
Hope all are well and that you have had fun lol
In my news job is going good have a pet praying mantis called sanderson and have a WII and PS3 YAY still nae in flat on own yet

WELL im heading off for that thing normal people call supper lol laters and and keep well

actually tigerangel is the new psw owner. you should message her to get back in. she's awesome, and doing a great job. she purges the group of inactive members from time to time, and sometimes people who just went grey get kciked, but she's nice and will let you back in.
Thanks for the compliment on my arm. Glad you dig it too. 

what no good idea bad idea bummer