it has been awfully long since my last blog....
I unfortunately have no pictures to share, which im bummed about. Was really hoping a couple months back to shoot with a local photographer. The people around here procrastinate so well. I just need a good experience with a photographer that will do FULL nudity. My hopes are still high, however i think my luck is running dry in this town. I was really hoping to make it in time for the Inked/SG contest, but it doesnt look like thats gonna happen before August is over. Maybe time to escape? Travel possibly?
Otherwise ill be doomed to exist in this small minded place, for it has been too long already.
Saw some movies recently. OF COURSE i saw Batman. Finally watched Drive, and didnt hate it at all. Also saw a great film called Terri. I cried. We Need to Talk to Kevin.
Read Necronomicon cover to cover. Pretty interesting shit. Still on the lookout for some new reads so if anyone has any good suggestions send them to me pretty please. None of that novel romance fucking 50 shades shit either.
Was so happy to return and see some of my favorite faces on the FP.
Its about fucking time
so cute!

theres like a fucking 100 sets i love too much that are in MR right now.
IDK what else to say. Im fucking boring ha.
Ive been cumming to Cage as of late. Its good to have him back.
Nighty Night Bitches.
I unfortunately have no pictures to share, which im bummed about. Was really hoping a couple months back to shoot with a local photographer. The people around here procrastinate so well. I just need a good experience with a photographer that will do FULL nudity. My hopes are still high, however i think my luck is running dry in this town. I was really hoping to make it in time for the Inked/SG contest, but it doesnt look like thats gonna happen before August is over. Maybe time to escape? Travel possibly?
Otherwise ill be doomed to exist in this small minded place, for it has been too long already.
Saw some movies recently. OF COURSE i saw Batman. Finally watched Drive, and didnt hate it at all. Also saw a great film called Terri. I cried. We Need to Talk to Kevin.
Read Necronomicon cover to cover. Pretty interesting shit. Still on the lookout for some new reads so if anyone has any good suggestions send them to me pretty please. None of that novel romance fucking 50 shades shit either.
Was so happy to return and see some of my favorite faces on the FP.
Its about fucking time

so cute!

theres like a fucking 100 sets i love too much that are in MR right now.
IDK what else to say. Im fucking boring ha.
Ive been cumming to Cage as of late. Its good to have him back.
Nighty Night Bitches.
Thanks for the support, you're adorable
I also really love your taste in music