Member Since 2014

The Week in Pictures - "Weeks Past Due"


Well wasn't able to upload recently as have been busy as hell, travelling etc. That new bed feel - especially when its deserved feels fucking amazing, managed to spend enough time the last few days in it, not for fun but because I was effing sick. The most reliable bag ever - when I die shove it into the coffin with me. BBC gifts. Also got back to find that a new book arrived - The Three Musketeers, loved it since I a kid watching Dogtanian! Anyways the book is from 1894 and is the first American unabridged illustrated version that was limited. Was sick the last few days so I didnt get to enjoy it but I managed to make Upside Down Pineapple cake, it was delish.

Fuck it, here's Dogtanian...


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