Hi guys!
Look! Im doing a blog homework! I saw this one a few weeks ago but I've been a busy bee.
Its also a silly topic to do a blog homework on because I already HAVE my dream job and I'm so grateful for everything I get to do. Especially the tour. I would work on the Blackheart Burlesque tour for the rest of my life given the opportunity. I miss it so much. Ugh.
But my dream when I was a kid?? I always wanted to be a scientist. I have a degree in biology, but of course have never used it, other than for pure enthusiasm, lol. Eventually, I plan to go back to school and get a masters (or hopefully even a phD) in marine biology. I would Love Love Love to work with sharks. Sharks and rays. Chondrichthyes as they're called. Cartilaginous fishes. I love the ocean, I love california. Please universe, if I ever have to get a 40 hour a week boring adult job, please let me live the excitement of that time on tour when we accidentally swam with a shark on tour in Miami. <3 <3
That is all. Love you all. I promise to do more homework and be more active for those who want to hear more about my life and stuffffffff. <3
Oh also start getting excited because I have a new set in the queue, and check out my onlyfans if you'd like.
XoXo Skella