I am the most stressed out person to ever exist. I promise that I do not handle stress well, so my usual stress relief technique is to sleep so I dont have to feel feelings! Or if I'm too stressed to sleep, it still feels just as good to have snuggle time with my babies!!!!
Xavi is one of those kitties that constantly needs to be touching you, crawling on you...using you as a springboard to launch himself on the back of the couch. Thiago is one that wants to pretend that he doesn't notice you or give a shit but just happens to be sleeping on something near you.
Im leaving to go to Spain in a month (I mean, I'm supposed to but still haven't gotten my plane ticket) and I'm going to miss these little dust balls.
Sorry to ramble about my cats! <3 <3 <3
Also I'm going to go ahead and shamelessly promote myself below and mention that I have three sets in member review and my newest one is a glorious thing and I would just absolutely die to see it on the front page! So check it out if you haven't and cross your fingers for me! <3 <3 <3
@rambo @missy love you guys!