So many good things are happening this week.
First off, my set Charmer is doing better than I could have ever imagined. I cant even wrap my head around it. I've had 5 sets go up in two years and I've never received a response like this, so thank you guys. Ive been going through some heavy shit in my life right now and its really cheered me up to see this much support.
It also only gets better from here. I have 3 sets in queue right now.
Blush by @smashbase goes up in 4 weeks. :)
Evil Thoughts by @shaine goes up in 2 months and 1 week.
Oasis by @lady goes up in 4 months.
Also yesterday Shaine messaged me a set I shot in Brooklyn in January and its too early to submit it, but it made me so happy to receive it and I cant wait for you all to see it. :)
Getting sets back always feels so good. It can be hard to see yourself for what you are sometime, and its something that I struggle with most days. I dont always like the person that I see in my mirror (as cliche as that sounds) but I have loved every photographer Ive worked with through this site. I know that photography is not easy, and a SG set takes a huge amount of time to shoot and sort and edit and seeing the end result from someone that has taken all that time to really see me, makes me see myself a little different.
Alright, sorry I'm just getting really sappy. Its been a hard few weeks/months/life(?), so I like appreciating the good moments.
The other thing that I'm really ecstatic(nervous) about is TOMORROW! I have a shit load of fliers for the Toronto Blackheart Burlesque show and were going to FLIER THE CITY!
I get to meet so many hot babes! I cant even believe it! @SPYCE! @SKIBA! @LINCOLN! @MEGAN! MAEZE! (if she can get off of work) and ELLIE! (who I have met once before briefly, and yes, she is that gorgeous in person!)
If you're a Toronto lady and you want to come tomorrow let me know! I tried my best to track down and beg everyone.
I cant even believe it! I am going to meet the hottest of the hot at a pizza place that I've been wanting to go to FOREVER.
Hopefully I dont crash and die on the way there. I'm so scared of driving. Also, they're always mean to me at the border and I've never cross by myself. Blehh.
Well I'm rambling again. I just really want to thank all of SG. Im so glad I'm here. I wouldn't be the same without this place.
Sidenote: While I'm rambling about my love for SG I want to mention @lyxzen and @kiley specifically because I have never seen any type of company ever with staff so caring. Lyxzen has been there to solve or talk me through any problem I've had with this site, technical or personal, and she's always been uplifting and supportive even through my less than pleasant mood swings. I feel like she's really the heartbeat of the model community and I just hope that I get to meet her one day and hug her and talk about cats. Kiley I've talked to less, but she's so accommodating when I do and she's given me so many opportunities to really immerse myself in the community which is so amazing for me, as a perpetually lonely human. She's so on top of her shit when it comes to this site, uplifting girls and keeping the dicks out of our news feed (which cant be a pleasant task but its so so so appreciated.) It always puts a smile on my face to have conversations with her and see her beautiful face around the site.
I love you guys.