Im going to try and do this blog homework! @rambo @missy And I'm going to try and find an appropriate picture for each fact!
(I asked for help with this. "Hey, whats something interesting I've done? Who am I?)
Last year, I WENT TO SPAIN which is pretty interesting, but I didnt just go there, I BACKPACKED from the south of France to the west coast of Spain. I walked 800 miles and it took about 30 days and I probably shouldnt have started with that because its probably the coolest thing I have ever done and I'll probably never do anything as noteworthy again. I would like to go to Spain again at some point because I love Barcelona and the Pyrenees and I'm secretly a European Football Fan.
I have been vegan for a realllllyyy really long time. Well not vegan exactly, but I became a vegetarian when I was about 12 and went vegan when I moved out of the house. I come from a family of hunters, in a home with about 13 deer mounts, 3 bear, a moose, and an elk. The TV center in my parents living room is literally surrounded with a pile of skulls. Conversely, I love food. Its my favorite part of traveling. I have a favorite vegan place in every city I've traveled to. (Govindas in Philly is fucking unbelievable if anyone was curious about the cheese steak below.)
I am a baker, a really fucking good one if I do say so myself. I actually own a business but in my county the health department says that you can't share commercial kitchens so until I can afford to buy my own kitchen, I just sort of own the name. (It has a really cool name though.) Im going to lump in to this fact that I have like a crazy sweet tooth. Mostly what I eat are grains, lean proteins, lots of veggies, and like 100 pounds of sugar a day. I would be so healthy if I didnt have a candy addiction.
I'm pretty good at owning a bass! I'm less good at playing it, but I'm really good at playing with it! If you saw my last blog, you knew that, but I'm including it because it's a hard ass instrument.
As an attempt to humble myself from trying to make you all think I'm cute, I'm including as an accomplishment that I have watched Parks and Recreation, start to finish 9 times. I started it for the first time about a year and a half ago and every time I finish it I just start it over again. Im one season away from finishing it for the tenth time. I dont know why I'm so obsessed, but it is also a fact that I am undeniably in love with Adam Scott (possibly just Ben Wyatt). He's the only male celebrity I've ever crushed on. He's just so dreamy.
I AM TERRIFIED OF CARS. I refuse to drive in the snow, and I do all I can to avoid driving in the dark. I cry when I get lost, and I panic when I'm next to a semi, and its terrible. I've been behind the wheel during FIVE CAR ACCIDENTS in the 5 years I've been driving. Four of them happened in the month of February. I dont think that I caused them because I'm a super careful driver, but seriously, what the fuck?
(The Buick wasn't mine. Oops.)
In addition to being afraid of cars, I'm also conveniently afraid of airplanes (which I have nightmares about almost every night for no reason) and ghosts, and trees falling on me, and stepping on snails, and heights, and small spaces, and yeah, everything. I am afraid of everything. I live in a constant state of fear. Its exhausting. I dont ever sleep. Also, airplanes, how did I ever actually get on one of those?
(couldn't think of a super appropriate picture but I found this which looking for a different picture and its kinda appropriate because I was sitting on the edge of a fourth story window and its a pretty picture despite me being like "please please please just take it!" and the photographer being like "wait, a few more! The lighting! Yes! ArT!")
This is separate but kinda the same. Okay! I'm lame, there aren't many facts about me. Im small, I don't do anything, and I'm scared of stuff. But I dont even think this is a fear as much as like an attachment thing, but I'm like SUPER weird about being alone. Not like being home alone, but like I dont go anywhere alone. Like if I run out of sugar and I'm trying to bake something, I will wait until someone will go to the grocery store with me before I'll go by myself. And when I'm at the store, I will walk all the way through the store getting whatever they need rather than just grabbing what I need and meeting at the register. If I'm not at my house, I'm with someone else.
Again, I couldn't find an appropriate picture, so here's me eating Taco Bell with @lascaux. Togetherrrrrrrr.
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to overcome all of these fears and travel the entire US. Like when the lease is up on my apartment just dont get a new one and store my shit and take a year just living out of my car. Thats my fucking dream. I love to travel and I want to eat at every vegan bakery and take pictures of my boobs in front of every recognizable monument. Oh wait, that would have been a better fact. I'm not very good at this. New fact nine. Every time I travel somewhere I try and take a picture of my boobs in front of a recognizable monument. Im hoping one day I could make a coffee table book.
I have had over 55 piercing in my life. I know. I love piercings, so much. I currently only have 19, and I'd like to get back some of the ones that I have ditched, but its expensive and painful! My most recent piercings are my microdermals to decorate my lady parts because I had a christina for over a year that never healed, and I missed it. Most painful piercing I have EVER gotten and I had to shave my cute little blue patch to get it, but its worth it. :) My next piercing is going to be getting my right vertical nipple piercing because I hate being asymmetrical.
So there were my facts! What started with me trying to seem interesting ended with me crumbling into my usual longwinded, paranoid, and clingy personality and trying to make up for it with casual nudity! <3 <3 <3 Feel free to chat with me about any of my things, (similar interests, etc).