What brought me here is the desire to group myself in with a bunch of women internationally known for beautifully displaying the art they can create with their bodies. I want to be one of those. What people think of me, I want them to think of that. That is what brought me here.
What keeps me here is the women themselves, and the opportunity to build friendships on one very significant common factor in our lives. Today I spent the day with three rad-as-fuck SG girls, hanging up fliers, promoting the site, and my favorite past time, talking shit about men. (sorry guys)
Its always such a refreshing experience meeting strangers, and quickly becoming very good friends who can't take proper selfies to save our lives. ("Get it together guys, aren't we supposed to be models?")
I don't know. Thats my cheesy blog for the day. Until next time.
If you aren't following @tengwar, @lascaux, and @sylah, then you aren't a friend of mine!