There's a lot to be said for good food, and its power to melt away the problems of the day with each passing bite. I made a Shepard's pie, two crust, the other day; with Dutch gravy and Italian sausage. I don't screw around when I'm cooking; nothing comes out of a can. The peas were frozen (good luck finding them fresh in the middle of winter), but carrots? Fresh and chopped. Mashed potatoes? Started whole, with skins. And yeah, the gravy was also from scratch, and the pie shell was from raw materials.
I swear, food is like magic. When you begin with nothing, save for the raw vegetables, and really work them into shape, people can taste the sweat and blood in it.
Well, not literally.
Well, God I hope not.
In any case, the result was fantastic. Like a meditation, or a Zen experience. An epiphany.
You can taste it just by looking at it.