Wow. Last night was purely fucking awesome. Almost every single one of my friends came, and the ones that did not had very good reasons not to. It was odd looking around the room at groups of people from nearly every era of my life, many of whom had never met each other. It's too bad that more intermingling between groups didn't go on. I think I was a shitty host to some people.
The Clipper worked out pretty well, some rockabilly band played, I didn't pay much attention to them. We took control of their tiki lounge and pretty much debaucherized it straight to hell. I drank tequila, rum, gin, vodka, whiskey, and several types of beer. I stayed relatively sober until the later hours, and didn't get fully shitfaced until the "afterparty" at Brad & V's flat. I woke up this morning feeling way too awesome for having partied for about 10 straight hours off of almost no sleep whatsoever and an empty stomach. Not even a trace of a hangover.
Woke up this afternoon and my friend Jordan made me apple quesadillas and a wicked motherfuckin' tofu scramble. I swear to god I'm gonna open up a restaurant with that girl. Then I headed up to Blind Faith to meet my mom for peanutbutter chonklit birfday cake. Yum!
Friday was nice too, took my nephews to the Cubs game, met up with my dad, stepmom, and that whole side of the family for dinner at the Parthenon in Greektown. My five year old nephew David is going to skateboard camp. I saw flicks from him totally shredding the shit out of the ramps and bowls at the skatepark. It's amazing. He's doing shit that took me years to have the confidence to do. He has all these gnarly bruises and shit, and he's all proud of them. "See my scar Uncle Jake?" He has no fear whatsoever. I love those kids.
This was the best birthday weekend evar. I haven't been this happy for a while. New job that I like a lot, awesome friends, awesome family, and a fierce crush on an amazing girl that I'm taking out to dinner this week. I'm almost positive I shall be hit by a bus tomorrow.
Don't breathe like that it'll make you feel really strange.
The Clipper worked out pretty well, some rockabilly band played, I didn't pay much attention to them. We took control of their tiki lounge and pretty much debaucherized it straight to hell. I drank tequila, rum, gin, vodka, whiskey, and several types of beer. I stayed relatively sober until the later hours, and didn't get fully shitfaced until the "afterparty" at Brad & V's flat. I woke up this morning feeling way too awesome for having partied for about 10 straight hours off of almost no sleep whatsoever and an empty stomach. Not even a trace of a hangover.
Woke up this afternoon and my friend Jordan made me apple quesadillas and a wicked motherfuckin' tofu scramble. I swear to god I'm gonna open up a restaurant with that girl. Then I headed up to Blind Faith to meet my mom for peanutbutter chonklit birfday cake. Yum!
Friday was nice too, took my nephews to the Cubs game, met up with my dad, stepmom, and that whole side of the family for dinner at the Parthenon in Greektown. My five year old nephew David is going to skateboard camp. I saw flicks from him totally shredding the shit out of the ramps and bowls at the skatepark. It's amazing. He's doing shit that took me years to have the confidence to do. He has all these gnarly bruises and shit, and he's all proud of them. "See my scar Uncle Jake?" He has no fear whatsoever. I love those kids.
This was the best birthday weekend evar. I haven't been this happy for a while. New job that I like a lot, awesome friends, awesome family, and a fierce crush on an amazing girl that I'm taking out to dinner this week. I'm almost positive I shall be hit by a bus tomorrow.
Don't breathe like that it'll make you feel really strange.
well, happy birthday.
who's the girl? i so want details! DETAILSDFW!$!@2$#124!@#!@1121211five.