My friends are rad.
Lime flavored tostitos are rad.
Three Floyds Brewing Co. is rad.
Twin Peaks is rad.
Rad watches made from non-leather are rad.
The new Star Wars is rad.
Danica Patrick is rad.
Chess is rad.
Goggles are still rad.
The new girl, Hunter is rad.
Chicago is rad.
Crushes are rad.
Robots are also still rad.
This has gone far enough.
Lime flavored tostitos are rad.
Three Floyds Brewing Co. is rad.
Twin Peaks is rad.
Rad watches made from non-leather are rad.
The new Star Wars is rad.
Danica Patrick is rad.
Chess is rad.
Goggles are still rad.
The new girl, Hunter is rad.
Chicago is rad.
Crushes are rad.
Robots are also still rad.
This has gone far enough.
radding is rad
your drumming is rad