I was just about done with a very detailed explanation of what I've been doing for a while when my computer decided to go back a page and lose it all. Why am I pissed at the site then? Because I didn't sleep much last night and I'll be pissed at whatever I want to be pissed at thank you very much.
Let's try this again.
My previous blog shows you what happens when you write a blog on three hours of sleep while dreading to go to work. I'm still on three hours of sleep and many more awake but at least I'm not dreading going to work so let's see if I can say something more interesting.
The weekend before last I had an amazing kicking workshop at my dojo. Words can't express how fulfilling, exhausting, enlightening, amazing it was so I won't try. Just imaging me kicking a lot. A lot. And then some more. And take that and multiply it by 5. Then square it. Ok, you're close. I couldn't really walk so well for several days after. I loved it. I love kicking!
This picture was in my accidentally erased post. I think it was something about what my kicking will be like when I perfect the technique of it. I don't know. Use your imagination.
Ummm last weekend I hung out with Kindle which was a blast as always. She's awesome and any of you that are lucky enough to hang out with her are... lucky... ok now I'm just being redundant. Oh well.
Work sucks. We're waaaay overdue with all our tasks mainly because I'm the only one working on them because everybody else is too busy working on other tasks. The guy that checks my code is being a total douche which is equal parts annoying and amusing. But don't tell him I said that. It might hurt his feelings. The prick.
Ummm... yeah, so that's it in the condensed, pulling from memory, pissed at having to repeat myself version. I'm trying to keep in touch with people here but I'm having trouble.
Oh yeah, a huge thanks to Kleio (who probably won't see this because she's probably even busier than I am) for introducing me to Steven Brust. More specifically his Adventures of Vlad Taltos. It's been a while since I read something that was incredibly light hearted, incredibly profound, incredibly exciting and just... just amazing all at once. I'm loving it. I'll leave you with a quote from the current installment I'm reading that had me cracking up like a madman on the bus and earned me plenty of dirty looks from all the people around me. The musings of Kiera, master thief:
He stayed well away from me, as if he were afraid I'd steal his purse as I walked by. Why are people who will walk into potentially lethal situations without breaking a sweat so often frightened around someone who just steals things? Is it the humiliation? Is it just that they don't know how I do it? I've never figured that out. Many people have that reaction. It makes me want to steal their purses.
If you're so damn' grateful for the V to the T books, you should repay me by participating in our freaking bookswap!. Because seriously, boy. *shakes fist* So far it's pretty much just been a booksend on my part, and a bookget on yours. *shifty*
Also, how's life?
Never any worries.