First things first. For Christmas I got 2 very awesome gifts (although I didn't get the one thing I really wanted but that's nobody's fault)
My first gift was...
I will be getting heavily into tea this year. I plan to sample anywhere between three and five new varieties a week and keep notes about them in a journal. (If this works I may do the same thing with wine/beer in 6 months... woah, exactly 6 months. Freaky
It's Caste Iron which is awesome as anybody who knows anything about tea will tell you. I even cleaned the top of my dresser to make room for it. (But I forgot to take before pictures so you'll have to take my word for it.)
And my second gift was.
The wonderful and amazing Sony E-Reader!!!
I know there's a lot of stigma around e-books and I don't think this technology will ever replace actual paper. There's just too many things it can't reproduce (smell, weight, the feel of turning a page...)
That said, I love that I can take huge hardcover books on the subway and read them with one hand in a standing-room-only crowd. And the battery life is 7,500 page turns thanks to the e-ink display so.... really no negatives from where I'm sitting. I'm not going to rant about why I like this better than the one Amazon came up with. Ask Kindle, she's heard several times.
Reflections about my trip:
California was actually a bit chilly. No complaints from me because it was still warmer than Boston and a hell of a lot warmer than many places in the country, but my Uncle kept apologizing for the weather and my mom kept complaining about it. That was mildly annoying.
Other than that, I had a great time. We did a little bit of shopping, saw a few movies, went on some short walks. It doesn't sound very exciting but I've become a bit of a recluse I realized and it was nice to have forced human contact. Also... *Insane Cuteness Alert*
Supposedly my Uncle got a photo of me that was GQ worthy but I don't seem to have it. It must have disappeared into the ether that any trick photography that manages to make me look good disappears into.
Also, because I can, here's a random self-indulgent observation on my family in line with the previous blog. If you like the positivity in this blog and don't want to diverge from it at all, don't click the spoiler.
Ok, if you read that I think you'll agree that wasn't too bad.
Let's see... anything else?
I'll be starting work full-time again for co-op next Monday and I can't wait. Not only will it force me to be around people (and pretty cool people at that) again but I'll be making money! As much as I hate it, making money is important. And I'm always happier when I can go out and get some food if I'm hungry instead of laying around on my bed feeling sick.
Today I have a dentist appointment to get some cavities filled (my first cavities ever... I'm not pleased) and to schedule when I'll be getting my wisdom teeth out (doubly not pleased). But there's a chance I'll be getting a haircut too which (as you can see above) I desperately need. So that'll be good. Also I might get some new slacks.
So the day just might break even if I'm lucky. I can always disappear into the thousands of books I now have to read if it gets too terrible.
I think that just about covers it. Expect pictures of the haircut if I get it. Expect them to look almost exactly like my profile picture.
Here's a haiku:
Later folks!