So... I'm actually doing homework? wow. This is pretty strange. Up until now I've been able to get by with doing it in the first few minutes before class. Oh well though. Now I have something to do on the weekends
And when you don't party constantly, it's pretty funny how fast your weekends empty out of things to do
I don't really do the whole "bored" thing well, which I should really work on. Oh well, anything that keeps that stupid little voice in the back of my head silent or that evil man with the pitchfork from stabbing my heart
Can't wait to train next tuesday... I think I'm gonna go do some rolls in a second just to work off some energy. Yeah that sounds fun. Maybe hit the bag a few times too. hmmmmmm this is a good idea methinks.

I don't really do the whole "bored" thing well, which I should really work on. Oh well, anything that keeps that stupid little voice in the back of my head silent or that evil man with the pitchfork from stabbing my heart

Can't wait to train next tuesday... I think I'm gonna go do some rolls in a second just to work off some energy. Yeah that sounds fun. Maybe hit the bag a few times too. hmmmmmm this is a good idea methinks.