I know I'm supposed to be asleep right now, but I got the sudden urge to blog.
Training was intense on Thursday. My abs have been dully sore all day. I think it's impressive that, though I've certainly felt more intense muscle soreness before, it's never been this constant. I think that's a good thing. (Oh and this is one of those "it hurts so good" kind of things
) I've really been noticing little effects that training's been having on me. I'm a lot more flexible then, honeslty, I think I've ever been. I'm getting a lot of definition in my calves and abs back. (Unfortunately for the abs it's covered by a layer of fat
) Although I also feel like I'm definitely slimming down some. My sensei gave me training pants that were just a little bit too small so I'd have to really struggle into them. But they're getting easier and easier to put on every time (and this material does not stretch at all). Also I just feel like I have a lot more energy all the time. I don't get tired as easily and if I ever feel tired I can pull myself out of it if I need to. It's really a fantastic feeling.
So, there, new blog, all about training
And now I'm going to try and get some actual decent sleep.
(p.s. the hat was seriously awesome
Training was intense on Thursday. My abs have been dully sore all day. I think it's impressive that, though I've certainly felt more intense muscle soreness before, it's never been this constant. I think that's a good thing. (Oh and this is one of those "it hurts so good" kind of things

So, there, new blog, all about training

(p.s. the hat was seriously awesome

so much for me staying in and not partying... ah it wasn't going to last - i'm weak