Blah blah blah
School is boring... but also interesting... what!? I don't know. Really. *shrug*
Ninjutsu is awesome, I'm two months away from testing for my yellow belt which makes me... slightly less pathetic? lol just kidding. It's progress and it makes me happy.
Hopefully after next friday I'll be able to work from home sometimes. Which means more convenience and more money! Yay!
I'm still sortof settling into my new room. I mean I'm all moved in and everything but it's ... interesting, getting used to the noisy street right outside my window. I'm sure I'll adjust eventually. My roommate on the other hand is rather annoying. I won't use the most obvious label because as others have pointed out it's not really important, and I agree. But he gets drunk a lot and .... he's an annoying drunk
He also has a crazy amount of drama from all his girlfriends that I have the pleasure of hearing him squeak about on the phone... If you didn't know and you can't figure it out from that, yes, he's gay. That's the last time I'm saying it though
I don't have any problem with that at all, he's just an annoying person in general. Wow I'm not happy that this is the longest paragraph of my blog.
Soooooo.... I'm just gonna ramble for a bit until *oops pizza's ready. gotta run
School is boring... but also interesting... what!? I don't know. Really. *shrug*
Ninjutsu is awesome, I'm two months away from testing for my yellow belt which makes me... slightly less pathetic? lol just kidding. It's progress and it makes me happy.

Hopefully after next friday I'll be able to work from home sometimes. Which means more convenience and more money! Yay!
I'm still sortof settling into my new room. I mean I'm all moved in and everything but it's ... interesting, getting used to the noisy street right outside my window. I'm sure I'll adjust eventually. My roommate on the other hand is rather annoying. I won't use the most obvious label because as others have pointed out it's not really important, and I agree. But he gets drunk a lot and .... he's an annoying drunk

Soooooo.... I'm just gonna ramble for a bit until *oops pizza's ready. gotta run

Apparently you don't know how athletic getting drunk can be!
giggidy giggidy goo