Woah a blog the very next day after a previous blog! Don't get too used to it
I just had to say that three very special people made my "morning" (it was noon but I'd just woke up so get off my back!) very special and full of many smiles.
So I wake up and see that BrightRedScream is online (in between work shifts), so I start chatting with her which is always enough to make me grin like a baffoon
and this morning was no exception. How does a baffoon grin you ask? Probably too much
Then, very soon after I get a text message from Holdin which gets me grinning even more
. Not only was it awesome that she somehow realized I'd just woken up (it said "Good morning"
) but she's totally awesome.
So now I'm chatting with two of my favorite people in the whole wide world. And I'm still in bed!
Thhheeeeen I get a IM from KittyContagious which is awesome because she recently had surgery and she's doing fine. She's also hilarious because the drugs she's on are bringing her visits from the Plaid Elephants. Although annoying, these plaid elephants took a very awesome photograph of her.
Soooo now I'm still in bed, just woken up, talking to three totally smoking hot and awesome babes.
You ladies are awesome. That is all.

I just had to say that three very special people made my "morning" (it was noon but I'd just woke up so get off my back!) very special and full of many smiles.
So I wake up and see that BrightRedScream is online (in between work shifts), so I start chatting with her which is always enough to make me grin like a baffoon

Then, very soon after I get a text message from Holdin which gets me grinning even more

So now I'm chatting with two of my favorite people in the whole wide world. And I'm still in bed!
Thhheeeeen I get a IM from KittyContagious which is awesome because she recently had surgery and she's doing fine. She's also hilarious because the drugs she's on are bringing her visits from the Plaid Elephants. Although annoying, these plaid elephants took a very awesome photograph of her.
Soooo now I'm still in bed, just woken up, talking to three totally smoking hot and awesome babes.

You ladies are awesome. That is all.
hahah sorry babe, i had to resize them and i got lazy
i love you though!

I had never heard that one before...about trusting something that bleeds every month without dying!!! That was very funny! Thanks! made me smile and thats just what I needed!!