Be fore-warned, this blog is written partially out of boredom
So as a good deal of you know, I in a early morning daze accidentally clicked that little "Leave Group" button while surfing sexahollics. DON'T TRY IT!!! IT WILL NOT ASK YOU IF YOU ARE SURE!!!
I love SG but GAWD do I hate the interface sometimes. I've messaged the owner and even the site admins about getting back in and I hope something works soon. I'm going through sexaholics chat withdrawl
Thanks to all the awesome people that have been keeping me occupied on MSN and occasionally in the "kissing" chat room. You guys are awesome.
So the summer semester is winding down to a close.
I get about two weeks off between finals and the fall semester and I cannot wait. I'm not doing anything crazy but I haven't had any time off other than a long weekend or something in a little over a year now. I need this very badly.
Sooo that's it I guess
Seacrest Out!

So as a good deal of you know, I in a early morning daze accidentally clicked that little "Leave Group" button while surfing sexahollics. DON'T TRY IT!!! IT WILL NOT ASK YOU IF YOU ARE SURE!!!
I love SG but GAWD do I hate the interface sometimes. I've messaged the owner and even the site admins about getting back in and I hope something works soon. I'm going through sexaholics chat withdrawl

Thanks to all the awesome people that have been keeping me occupied on MSN and occasionally in the "kissing" chat room. You guys are awesome.
So the summer semester is winding down to a close.
I get about two weeks off between finals and the fall semester and I cannot wait. I'm not doing anything crazy but I haven't had any time off other than a long weekend or something in a little over a year now. I need this very badly.
Sooo that's it I guess

Seacrest Out!

I totally agree with you.. the sexaholic boards are amazing