Well, my uncle's funeral is in a few hours. It is somewhat confusing. Part of me feels bad because I don't feel sad. He is family and I should feel something. He has never been like family though. Maybe when I was young, but his drug addiction got worse over the years. He stole pills from my grandmother, who would lay in pain, and sometimes even have to buy them illegally because he would take hers and use them or sell them. My grandmother was very close to me while she was alive, and it killed me to see this happen, but she wouldn't let anyone sy anything to him becuase in the end, he was her son. He stole over $3000 from my grandfather. He beat up my car with a hammer while I was out of town. How do you feel sorry and sympathy for someone who has done nothing but try to hurt his family? He died from AIDS. It seems like such a horrible way to die. Yet, part of me says it was his own fault. I didn't want him to die, but it is hard to feel sorrow. does this make me a bad person?
I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. I know how it feels though. Drug addiction is a so complex, and often those invovled never really understand. It's hard to understand. I hope all goes well.