Well today is my birthday. I took the day off of work, though I'm not really sure why. Anymore I don't really care for my birthday. It makes me miss my grandmother. She always remembered. She was one of the few, sometimes the only one. It always made me feel so special because he memory wasn't the greatest. She forgot things all the time, but she always remembered me. I've never visited her grave since the funeral. I think I am somewhat scared to. When she died, I never really had time to think about it. I had so much to do, so many people that needed me. I never really greived over her. I had to be strong for everyone else. I had to be the one to tell my cousins. Do you have any idea how hard that is? She was a mother to all of us. I miss her now more then ever.
More Blogs
Saturday Dec 01, 2007
Been forever and a day since I have wriiten anything on here. Well,… -
Sunday Jul 01, 2007
Been awhile since I rambled on. I cut my thumb up at work last wee… -
Tuesday May 15, 2007
Well, my uncle's funeral is in a few hours. It is somewhat confusing.… -
Wednesday May 02, 2007
Well, I moved. So far okay. We will see. -
Friday Feb 09, 2007
Well today is my birthday. I took the day off of work, though I'm not… -
Sunday Jan 21, 2007
Well, I am back. Most of the people I talked to on here are gone … -
Tuesday May 03, 2005
Son of a bitch, I got PINK EYE!!! -
Monday May 02, 2005
Went bowling Saturday. That was fun. I found out that when the doctor… -
Thursday Apr 21, 2005
Well, my back still hurts like a bitch. Last week I tore my back up. … -
Sunday Apr 10, 2005
Bought a new comp. My other one kinda bit the dust. Much is to be exp…
and slightly side note, actually yes...mr. pink is taken from reservoir dogs, though it doesn't look like steve buscemi...i name all my toys after tarantino films