i slept for almost 13 hours. i can wake up and go back to sleep. i think i have mastered the art of dreaming. you know when you wake up from a dream that you wanted to finish if you could. you really liked this dream and wanted to go back to sleep. well, i beleive i have mastered a type of this power. i can go back to sleep just to dream. its wierd i really never dreamed that much before or i think at all but lately i have been. i have been forcing myself to sleep and i get these dreams that i can control. i think real hard what i want to dream and it pops up in my head while i'm sleeping. i not actually controlling the dream just its theme, most of the time. i'm getting better at it. wow, i'm fucking wierd. now its 6am. i've been awake since 2am. i need to go outside and do something but its fucking snowing and gross out. the streets have this 2 inch layer of slush. my chuck tees are soked. i going to smoke. peace.
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