my day is coming. i am finally moving again. i havent been home since i was 18. i talked to my parents and decided that the best course of action was to go home. i can finish up my degree there because they have a really good art school there and i can make some money working with my dad. i can save up and go wherever i want in about a year and a half, maybe less. i most likely will come back to denver. i've been here for almost 5 years. it will be hard to leave and especially go back home, which by the way sucks. i made peace with the family but its still a pathetic home town. all the people that i grew up with suck. they still live there except for my two best friends that i have known since i was 5. they both went off to college and never came looked back like i did. its funny one of my buddies finished up school and went into web design and that fell through and he might move back home. my other buddy was promoted and gets to do whatever he wants so he might move back home just to chill with me. i dont want him to do that though. i want to be able to go somewhere when i dont want to be at home. i think i will come back here. its going to be missed. maybe i will feel diffrent when i am gone for a while. i'm going to have a going away party either at the tavern if i can get a spot for my friends band or at petes. more details to follow.
More Blogs
Friday May 23, 2003
if you read the last journal entry you would know that i had a job in… -
Thursday May 22, 2003
cash rules everything aroumd me the cream, the money, dolla dolla bi… -
Wednesday May 21, 2003
i'm trying to get a damn job at, what i think, is the worst club in d… -
Monday May 19, 2003
i have been getting the worst migraines lately. last night one lasted… -
Wednesday May 14, 2003
here in colorado they have this psa on public safety. it has the slog… -
Tuesday May 13, 2003
all this new drama on the news with obesity in america and suing the … -
Sunday May 11, 2003
i've got something to say i killed your baby today it doesnt matter… -
Saturday May 10, 2003
lazy... -
Saturday May 10, 2003
i slept for almost 13 hours. i can wake up and go back to sleep. i th… -
Friday May 09, 2003
i feel so lazy. i have done nothing for like 2 weeks. i need to do so…