if you read the last journal entry you would know that i had a job interveiw today that i didnt know if i wanted to go to. well, i didnt and since i didnt have the phone number of the place i had to go down there and tell them in person. i was about 10 minutes "late" but it didnt really matter cause i was going to tell the manager that i didnt want the job. i told the guy at the front desk i needed to speak to one of the managers and he told to wait over there, so i did. i waited 10 minutes, reluctently, before the asshole came out. first off, i didnt know the guys name and second i was " late" as i preceed to introduce myself. he continued to introduce himself by asking me what time it was, about 30 minutes from the time i was supposed to be there and about 10 minutes since i've been there. i told him. then he asked what time was i supposed to be here and i told him. he then continued to lecture me on how big he is on punctuality and i told him i never really wanted the fucking job and take your displinary action out on someone else you corporate beeotch. who the fuck does he think he is. he fell silent after that encounter. i swear to god, he was lucky he didnt get bitch slapped. my rant as usual.
oh it would have been so rad if you actually bitch slapped him