okay...I feel like it is getting a bit better now a days...I went to the Club Suicide night the other day, and it was pretty fun, meet some nice people, saw some people that I wish I didn't see...but comes with the turf I guess. I had a couple of job interviews for Activision for computer programmer...and have one coming up for Blizzard. I also have an interview coming up for personal assistant for a friend of mine who is in a band(if he doesn't move to Nashville). Don't know how these will pan out...but I am really trying now...giving this place a chance. I've met some cool people in my apartment building, as well as through the streets....
Here is a view on my patio space thingy...

Here is some pics from the 4th of July...I was invited to a penthouse suite in East/West?!? I dont remember what side of L.A. it was...haha...but none the less it was pretty fun. Open bar, pool on roof, full view of fireworks and L.A. Just a great location and setting to meet new people and enjoy the holiday.

Well now I have to go get in line to get a new iphone...fun fun...I need coffee
Here is a view on my patio space thingy...

Here is some pics from the 4th of July...I was invited to a penthouse suite in East/West?!? I dont remember what side of L.A. it was...haha...but none the less it was pretty fun. Open bar, pool on roof, full view of fireworks and L.A. Just a great location and setting to meet new people and enjoy the holiday.

Well now I have to go get in line to get a new iphone...fun fun...I need coffee

so how'd it go with the iphone? i heard lots of people were having issues.