so...there is this show I want to go to...I don't know why...but I do...It is the WBCN Band Camp show at the Tweeter Center...It has The Bravery, Incubus...Black Motorcycle Club(I think thats what thye are called), and one other...Since WBCN is hosting it...I decide to enter some contests to win tickets...So I get in my car like a week ago...and I hear the dj's on the radio telling the rush hour commute to call in...So I decide I will...and right away I get connected...I won two tickets to the show...So I am all hyped and invite my friend...and we are both pumped...End Story...
On second gets better...I get a phone call today...and it goes to voicemail with a lady telling me she is from WBCN, and that she needs to talk to me about a text message I sent them to win tickets...I was like w/ I call her and get her I leave a message and hang up...Another phone call comes in from a diffrent number and I miss that one...Well a diffrent lady says she is from WBCN, and that I won two VIP passes to the pre-concert party...I'm like I am pumped yet again...End Story...
On Third hand(wish I did have three) gets worse...The first lady who called me today who left the message, calls again...and I miss it yet again...and she leaves a voicemail...and seems kinda annoyed for me missing I call her right when I get it...and I get her as this is happening...I am getting very I am at work...and I have an hours time to do an hour and a halfs I am trying to keep at a pace...So finally she calls me again like 20 minutes later and I answer...I apologize for the phone tag...and she tells me I won two tickets to Band Camp...I pretend to be I already had my two tickets...and I doubt they would give me four I am about to hang up...when she says...oh by the won the "Be a rockstar for a day"...I'm like sweet...what is that? She is get two backstage passes, Vip Access to everything and anything...and you get to introduce the bands to the crowd...All of a sudden my world drops in front of me...She is talking to Brian Z...the kid who gets stage fright doing Karoke drunk in front of drunks...the kid who did open mic...and could barely finger pick the guitar because of fright...the kid who joined a band...realized we were really good...and quit before we did a show...I HATE THE STAGE...I HAVE THE WORST STAGE FRIGHT EVER!!! So all of this is going through my head...and I am at debate...if I should go and make an idiot of myself(since I can't just pick up the regular two they know my name...they announced it on the radio that I won), or to not go at all...
Dammit...I just want to see the show from the nose bleeds and drink...not be on anyone going Sunday so they can be one of the two cheering for me...haha...(if I do go)
Also, I guess the Post Office seems it is cool to give their employees pay decreases after employment of more then 2 years...My pay went down from 23.50 to 21.50...Like if it was just me...I would take revenge on this matter...but they do it to everyone I just figured I say all of us Postal Workers unite and go postal on the greedy hands of my supervisors....
On second gets better...I get a phone call today...and it goes to voicemail with a lady telling me she is from WBCN, and that she needs to talk to me about a text message I sent them to win tickets...I was like w/ I call her and get her I leave a message and hang up...Another phone call comes in from a diffrent number and I miss that one...Well a diffrent lady says she is from WBCN, and that I won two VIP passes to the pre-concert party...I'm like I am pumped yet again...End Story...
On Third hand(wish I did have three) gets worse...The first lady who called me today who left the message, calls again...and I miss it yet again...and she leaves a voicemail...and seems kinda annoyed for me missing I call her right when I get it...and I get her as this is happening...I am getting very I am at work...and I have an hours time to do an hour and a halfs I am trying to keep at a pace...So finally she calls me again like 20 minutes later and I answer...I apologize for the phone tag...and she tells me I won two tickets to Band Camp...I pretend to be I already had my two tickets...and I doubt they would give me four I am about to hang up...when she says...oh by the won the "Be a rockstar for a day"...I'm like sweet...what is that? She is get two backstage passes, Vip Access to everything and anything...and you get to introduce the bands to the crowd...All of a sudden my world drops in front of me...She is talking to Brian Z...the kid who gets stage fright doing Karoke drunk in front of drunks...the kid who did open mic...and could barely finger pick the guitar because of fright...the kid who joined a band...realized we were really good...and quit before we did a show...I HATE THE STAGE...I HAVE THE WORST STAGE FRIGHT EVER!!! So all of this is going through my head...and I am at debate...if I should go and make an idiot of myself(since I can't just pick up the regular two they know my name...they announced it on the radio that I won), or to not go at all...

Dammit...I just want to see the show from the nose bleeds and drink...not be on anyone going Sunday so they can be one of the two cheering for me...haha...(if I do go)
Also, I guess the Post Office seems it is cool to give their employees pay decreases after employment of more then 2 years...My pay went down from 23.50 to 21.50...Like if it was just me...I would take revenge on this matter...but they do it to everyone I just figured I say all of us Postal Workers unite and go postal on the greedy hands of my supervisors....
The paycut is awful. I have not seen that in the press. I will blame that fucker Bush! Rock on anyway!