Well I've made it to Orlando. It was a less than two hour trip but it felt like forever. I left Sebastian in a rainstorm yesterday evening. And it wasn't a little rainstorm either. It made driving a little scary and kinda horrible (my car doesn't have AC or a ventilation system that works). Just north the rain had stopped so I was feeling good. While that would be when 4 warning lights came on!!!! 2 brake lights! Great all I need is to not have working breaks on wet pavement. One general service light and a low coolant light. Nothing I could really about them on the highway so I just kept going but thought I could break down at any moment...kinda stressful.
Get to Orlando and my lights go off! I guess that means problem solve.
So now I'm in my new apartment (with internet!!!!)
looking at all my stuff. I really have too much. And I have no clue where to start unpacking. 

So now I'm in my new apartment (with internet!!!!)

Welcome to Orlando. You will definitely need to fix your AC living here.