sweet looks really good
Made another Chocolate Guinness Cake last night!!! And S'more Brownies!!
Straving to death and I still have a few hours at work....maybe one of the kids will have something yummy that they will share with me!
Just made a Chocolate Guinness Cake with yummy cream cheese frosting!! All of it homemade no box cake mix here.

not really a solution but baking is so relaxing and the cake it so yummy that I'm pretty sure its pure happiness!
Baking is indeed relaxing. In fact, I like the activity of baking far more than actually eating the product (I don't really have a sweet tooth.) But I have to admit, Chocolate Guinness Cake sounds enticing! smile
Lucky! I do have a sweet tooth and this cake isn't really healthy other than the fact I used fat free sour cream in the batter instead of regular (my small attempt to be healthy).

Just add a little Bailey's to the frosting and you got yourself an Irish Carbomb in cake form!
Feeling defeated and thinking of giving up.
What?! Never say die. Plus you're a kindergarten teacher...you should be able to handle anything!
never give up!! smile
I finally saw The Hunger Games movie....and I was disappointed. I knew I shouldn't have seen it right after reading the book...my imagination is always way better.

I picked up the book The Girl Who Played with Fire and can't wait to start reading it! but will have to I'm sure since my mom and little brother are in town on their spring break and...
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Last day of Spring Break frown I had a good two weeks off. I was able to read 2 books, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and The Hunger Games....of course now I'm in the middle of 2 series. I loved the books and can't wait to see the movies and read the 2nd books in the series. I hope I have time to do some...
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Birthday Wish List

-A really good vibrator
-Plants vs Zombies
-Red Riding Hood dvd
-Wonderstruck perfume

short and sweet
I would happily be that guy
Laziest day of Spring Break....I haven't done a thing today.....at least not yet
Took my Black lab mix puppy out on the boat today for the 1st time. He loved it!!! At first he was a little shakey and didn't understand why the ground was moving. We took the boat to the little islands that spot the IRL (Indian River Lagoon). Once on the island we played fetch and he got to swim for the first time. I...
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Today started way to early at 4:30am I gathered my gear and was in the car and on the road at 5am. The dive instructor said it was going to take at least 2 hours to get there, he was wrong. It only took an hour and a half so I was to the boat way to early.

Did my 1st ocean dive today, which...
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