I just saw The Full Monty musical. It was pretty good. I can't wait until Chicago and RENT come here!
Question of the day: does anyone live in the vicinity of Minneapolis or Notre Dame?
Bored and busy at the same time, I hate that...
yeah. me too
Yeehah, I updated my journal. I doubt anyone will check it but I'll reply more if you do. Um, nothing much to say. I'm still bored if ya'll can think of anything for me to do on a rainy night in Minnesota.
I checked it, but thats what I do, I sometimes read random peoples Journals, and post thigns on them, just so they will go, "who the hell is this"? Just like you are doing right about now.....
Oh, and as for boredom in Minnesota, I spent 3 days there in Minneapolis, and left the hotel once, other than arraiving and departing, I used to work for Sam Goody, and we had our meetings there, and the coolest thing was being able to drink you flatlanders under the table....LOL
Ciao, Oh wait, I was going to tell you that you should listen to music, and post on peoples journals like me, just be nice, cause if you dont, it may come back to bite you in the ass sometime...
Oh, and as for boredom in Minnesota, I spent 3 days there in Minneapolis, and left the hotel once, other than arraiving and departing, I used to work for Sam Goody, and we had our meetings there, and the coolest thing was being able to drink you flatlanders under the table....LOL
Ciao, Oh wait, I was going to tell you that you should listen to music, and post on peoples journals like me, just be nice, cause if you dont, it may come back to bite you in the ass sometime...
I'm here. I'm bored. I'm looking for ideas...
I have one somewhere, I'll get it up soon for ya.
Happy birthday!!!!