First off, anyone playing D3 currently? I need some friends to play with. Anyone coming back to WoW for MoP?
Secondly, It's hot as balls. Been sweating more in the past few weeks, than i have in my entire life. I mean sweat in my ears when i turn my head, onto my glasses...for fucks sake, I inhaled a bead of sweat up my goddamned NOSE the other day. Please wtb stop heat cheat code?
Thirdly, I know I'm skipping a few numbers but eighth doesn't even look like a fucking word. Whose in charge of this spelling shit? Words like that are the reason I dont bother learning grammar/spelling.
Fourth, depending on how Mist of Pandaria goes, I may be interested in renting/selling my wow account. If its going to be as unappealing as I think it is, I don't know how much longer ill be playing...if anyone is interested, I have an 85 mage with full cataclysmic pvp gear as well as nearly full BiS pve gear, and about 70 mounts and numerous pets. 85 rogue with full cataclysmic PVP and 397il PVE gear. 85 resto shaman and 85 bear druid both with 397ish il PVE and PVP gear. A priest is in the works and i have a ton of BoA's to level whatever you like. 60k gold but at least triple that in mats. Every toon has every bank slot purchased, all professions maxed and I even own 2 guild banks with 4-5 tabs each. This HAS to be worth some decent money no?
Character Names on Skullcrusher Alliance side
Badpuppy- Fire/arcane Mage (tailoring enchanting)
Shankpuppy- Combat/Sub Rogue (engineering, mining)
Bearpuppy- Bear/cat Druid (Herb alch)
Allymcheal- Resto/Ele Shaman (Jewelcrafting skinning)
Fifth, five. 1 2 3 4 5 Fifth, FIFTH! FE FI FOE FUM FIFTH.
Sixth, sounds like sex. Hehehe.
Secondly, It's hot as balls. Been sweating more in the past few weeks, than i have in my entire life. I mean sweat in my ears when i turn my head, onto my glasses...for fucks sake, I inhaled a bead of sweat up my goddamned NOSE the other day. Please wtb stop heat cheat code?
Thirdly, I know I'm skipping a few numbers but eighth doesn't even look like a fucking word. Whose in charge of this spelling shit? Words like that are the reason I dont bother learning grammar/spelling.
Fourth, depending on how Mist of Pandaria goes, I may be interested in renting/selling my wow account. If its going to be as unappealing as I think it is, I don't know how much longer ill be playing...if anyone is interested, I have an 85 mage with full cataclysmic pvp gear as well as nearly full BiS pve gear, and about 70 mounts and numerous pets. 85 rogue with full cataclysmic PVP and 397il PVE gear. 85 resto shaman and 85 bear druid both with 397ish il PVE and PVP gear. A priest is in the works and i have a ton of BoA's to level whatever you like. 60k gold but at least triple that in mats. Every toon has every bank slot purchased, all professions maxed and I even own 2 guild banks with 4-5 tabs each. This HAS to be worth some decent money no?
Character Names on Skullcrusher Alliance side

Badpuppy- Fire/arcane Mage (tailoring enchanting)
Shankpuppy- Combat/Sub Rogue (engineering, mining)
Bearpuppy- Bear/cat Druid (Herb alch)
Allymcheal- Resto/Ele Shaman (Jewelcrafting skinning)
Fifth, five. 1 2 3 4 5 Fifth, FIFTH! FE FI FOE FUM FIFTH.
Sixth, sounds like sex. Hehehe.
You can spell everything to do with WoW, which has some pretty impressive words sometimes. I feel as though you're only pissing on spelling and grammar because you know it's important to me, personally.
I wrote this blog on the 26th. I feel like the reason you posted a shitty comment today is because youre in a shitty mood and felt like pissing on me.