In typical skant fashion, heres a scattered shot-gun approach to some of my favorite mercie qoute about me!
Just let me get my hands on that little 20 year old ginger. End times might be near for you, world. I snagged my first younger man as a cougar-in-training. Muahaha.
(first mention of me in her blogs YAY!
I own someone.
(oh amazing how this all started)
What's sexier than a boy who does what he's told and thinks it's fucking hot when he does it?
He likes what the little Taco Bell packets say on them and organizes them for fun. I was given "will you marry me?" and "will you scratch my back?" (since I'm sure I asked for back scratches about 52 times in 12 hours.)
A boy who pays attention gets LOTS of points in my book. That was super sweet. Kinda like the tea. *rimshot*
(Puns. BAHA)
In about oh, 3 or 4 hours, I'll have my ginger to huggle to death.
i think it was funny that skanthony's roommate pointed out "You like guys that are feminine and wear eyeliner and stuff don't you?" I laughed and said "oh yeah I like em almost gay." She then laughs and says "well you found Anthony then, didn't you?"
(id like to point out i dont do HALF those things..)
Where those jerks capped a little fun I had earlier with Anthony. Oops. teehee.
I'm anxious, nervous, and still kinda freaked out, but all I can think of right now that comforts me very much, is that tomorrow I will be in the arms of my young, sweet, ginger boyfriend. I can't wait to make spoons with him and press my skin to his skin, all night in his arms... its going to be so very warm and comfortable.
(somtimes thats the only thought that keeps us from killing eachother.)
(I'm crazy about him, I can't help it!!)
Me: "I just wanted to say i heart your effin face."
Anthony: "I heart your face period."
Countdown to skanthony arriving: 7 days! I can't wait to see my boy on New Year's Eve!!! eeeeee! Love ya, baby!
Reasons why i have the best boyfriend ever:
BESIDES the obvious part that he's fucking cute as hell, makes me crazy like a teenage girl, and makes me laugh all the time...
He already understands how to make me calm and rational when I get worked up. It's the quickest any one has caught on thus far.
He actually likes talking on the phone to me and even calls me. Most boys don't.
He listens to me even when I think he's just humoring me and pretending to listen, and is really thoughtful when it comes to getting me gifts and little tokens.
He's incredible in bed and is open to just about everything.
He's absolutely exactly the body type I love and I'm insanely attracted to him.
He paints my toenails for me with no shame.
I like his skin's smell and softness, and his amber eyes.
I think he's the most beautiful boy I've ever seen.
(He's lucky he's so fucking pretty... I am simply unable to stay angry with him. But don't tell him that.)
He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! SUCK IT, ALL YOU OTHER BITCHES. He loves ME. There is no doubt about it now.
(ill assume i told her i loved her...)
thats about all i can handle. Plus after this it isnt all sunshine and rainbows.
<3 you babe! youre the bestest
Just let me get my hands on that little 20 year old ginger. End times might be near for you, world. I snagged my first younger man as a cougar-in-training. Muahaha.
(first mention of me in her blogs YAY!
I own someone.
(oh amazing how this all started)
What's sexier than a boy who does what he's told and thinks it's fucking hot when he does it?
He likes what the little Taco Bell packets say on them and organizes them for fun. I was given "will you marry me?" and "will you scratch my back?" (since I'm sure I asked for back scratches about 52 times in 12 hours.)
A boy who pays attention gets LOTS of points in my book. That was super sweet. Kinda like the tea. *rimshot*
(Puns. BAHA)
In about oh, 3 or 4 hours, I'll have my ginger to huggle to death.

i think it was funny that skanthony's roommate pointed out "You like guys that are feminine and wear eyeliner and stuff don't you?" I laughed and said "oh yeah I like em almost gay." She then laughs and says "well you found Anthony then, didn't you?"
(id like to point out i dont do HALF those things..)
Where those jerks capped a little fun I had earlier with Anthony. Oops. teehee.
I'm anxious, nervous, and still kinda freaked out, but all I can think of right now that comforts me very much, is that tomorrow I will be in the arms of my young, sweet, ginger boyfriend. I can't wait to make spoons with him and press my skin to his skin, all night in his arms... its going to be so very warm and comfortable.
(somtimes thats the only thought that keeps us from killing eachother.)
(I'm crazy about him, I can't help it!!)
Me: "I just wanted to say i heart your effin face."
Anthony: "I heart your face period."
Countdown to skanthony arriving: 7 days! I can't wait to see my boy on New Year's Eve!!! eeeeee! Love ya, baby!
Reasons why i have the best boyfriend ever:
BESIDES the obvious part that he's fucking cute as hell, makes me crazy like a teenage girl, and makes me laugh all the time...
He already understands how to make me calm and rational when I get worked up. It's the quickest any one has caught on thus far.
He actually likes talking on the phone to me and even calls me. Most boys don't.
He listens to me even when I think he's just humoring me and pretending to listen, and is really thoughtful when it comes to getting me gifts and little tokens.
He's incredible in bed and is open to just about everything.
He's absolutely exactly the body type I love and I'm insanely attracted to him.
He paints my toenails for me with no shame.
I like his skin's smell and softness, and his amber eyes.
I think he's the most beautiful boy I've ever seen.
(He's lucky he's so fucking pretty... I am simply unable to stay angry with him. But don't tell him that.)
He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! He loves me! SUCK IT, ALL YOU OTHER BITCHES. He loves ME. There is no doubt about it now.
(ill assume i told her i loved her...)
thats about all i can handle. Plus after this it isnt all sunshine and rainbows.
<3 you babe! youre the bestest
It just reaffirms everything I already said - you're a super sweet, adorable, lovely boyfriend. Yes we haven't had all sunshine and rainbows, and you put it... but you're the reason I can get into bed every night and tell myself that everything will be okay the next day, because you have my back, because you are there for me... because you wrap your arms around me every night you possibly can and tell me you love me. That's all I need. Shit happened, shit does happen and it's going to happen some more, but I don't mind it so much when you give me a hug as soon as I walk in the door and you try to make my bad days better. Things can't always be great, but as long as we're together, we'll make every day the awesome-est we can. Team Skercie will prevail.
I love you Anthony and I am forever grateful you came into my life. ♥
Plus everything I said about you being hot? Only gets more true every day..
PS - yes you said you loved me. lol. thrilling!!