Maggie and I; don't mind her devil eyes, she's friggin adorable ;) Dec 29, 2014 5 Facebook Tweet Email
Beard Progress! Hopefully I'll get a smartphone and/or better camera soon... Dec 2, 2014 1 Facebook Tweet Email
I was asked to pose like a naughty model for this picture, and this is what I came up with... O_o Nov 14, 2014 4 Facebook Tweet Email cassendre: :) Nov 23, 2014
7.7 mile barefoot run at Green Lakes State Park a couple years back! #TBT Nov 13, 2014 2 Facebook Tweet Email
My Best/Easiest Costume Yet! Nov 1, 2014 2 Facebook Tweet Email skankinpickle323: @arwen I know I'm a day late, but 1.) I hope you recognize my costume, and 2.) I hope you're having a better day today! Nov 1, 2014