I passed my Japanese driving test on my first try.
Now to go catch up on journal reading.

I tried a lot of things today: knitting, reading, video games, listening to music and podcasts; nothing seems to hold my interest.
Maybe your pregnant... LOL JK! Just earlier today my uncle and I were talking about how one time (forgive me if you think this is gross ) I farted and my friend said "It smells, I think I shit my pants." It was such an illogical conclusion. After I told him that story he said it sounded like this commercial where the woman says "I'm having trouble focusing... maybe I'm pregnant." As if that is the first possibility for that symptom. Anyway... I thought it would be fun to share
I hate that anxious feeling when it comes to work. I used to have to get up at 4:30 AM to go to work and at night starting at 5PM I would get nervous and anxious. I would keep thinking " I GOTTA GET TO BED SO I CAN WAKE UP!" When the alarm went off I would burst into this really hot feeling and instantly begin to sweat. *ULGA!* I hated it!
I'm not exactly sad or depressed, but I'm not particularly happy either. Bored, maybe?
I know that feeling well and I HATE IT! Because for me due to the nothingness felling I will feel slightly anxious and then become depressed for whatever reason. I'm almost positive I should be on antidepressants, or not that I should be or need them but a doctor would easily prescribe them had they known I have issues with it. I deal with them and it's by far a problem in my life but I just hate to feel "blah." Usually sleep and relaxation and forgetting whatever it is I feel that needed to get done before doing it usually makes me feel better.