So, I'm still rather sporadic with my visits, but since the league is on summer break and I'm forbidden to do anything but ice and stretch for a few weeks while I heal up from the season, I've found myself with a lot of free time which I'm using to visit a bit more often. I'm still mostly reading the groups, although I looked at a few sets for the first time in forever.
Items of note since the last post:
-I'm still at the same job in the same apartment with the same two great cats, so nothing to report there.
-Boyfriend moved in
-Boyfriend moved out
-Boyfriend became ex-boyfriend
-Completed my rookie season
-Got a new tattoo to commemorate my rookie season and all the awesome seasons to come

Items of note since the last post:
-I'm still at the same job in the same apartment with the same two great cats, so nothing to report there.
-Boyfriend moved in
-Boyfriend moved out
-Boyfriend became ex-boyfriend
-Completed my rookie season
-Got a new tattoo to commemorate my rookie season and all the awesome seasons to come

I kinda got tired of Facebook and I hardly ever check it. But I hope you're still skating and doing that cool job.
Loved the photo of your Shiva and LuLu