Let me tell you, walking around for 3 1/2 hours, up and down hills, in the sun, looking for checkpoints with trivia questions set up around town, that'll wear you out more than you realize. At least, I was a lot more worn out than I knew. Yesterday was the Walk Rally at one of my jr. highs, and it was fun, but I didn't realize how bloody exhausted I was until today.
Yesterday I thought I was ok. Today I couldn't stay awake sitting at my desk this afternoon. Fortunately, I was fine for my three classes, and I even got in a good game of tag at lunch (was at an elementary school), but then once recess was over, I kept nodding off in the staffroom
Kind of embarassing, but no one said anything, and I did my job, so I guess they didn't care too much. When I came home I laid down for a nap at 5:00. Didn't wake up til almost 9:30. So yeah, now that I've completely screwed up my sleep schedule, how was your day?
I also realize now why a lot of the Japanese students have towels around their necks when they're outside: I have a lovely strip of sunburn just on the back of my neck and upper shoulders. I was wearing sunblock too, I guess I just didn't have enough on. It looks really weird because it's just this strip of red at the top, and everything else is still pale as hell. I was going to try to take a picture of it, but I'm way too tired to fuss with that now.
There's been a recent resurgence of fascination with my paleness and eye color lately. It had died down for a while, but again now I've been fielding a ton of questions from the kids of, "why are you so white?" and "do you wear colored contacts? Why are your eyes blue?" I jut hope this doesn't mark a resurgence in chest-groping as well
Actually I got the pat-down from one of my littlest, cutest kids at tennis last week. I can't really get mad at her, but if the jr high girls start that shit again....
They've also been really fascinated with my earrings. I'm not even wearing anything that interesting, usually just a hoop in my first hole, but the kids have been really curious about them. Then to totally wig them out, I pop an earring through my second hole. You'd think I was breathing fire or something.
I have a feeling I'm going to read this entry tomorrow and think, "wow, I could barely string a proper sentence together last night...."
Yesterday I thought I was ok. Today I couldn't stay awake sitting at my desk this afternoon. Fortunately, I was fine for my three classes, and I even got in a good game of tag at lunch (was at an elementary school), but then once recess was over, I kept nodding off in the staffroom

I also realize now why a lot of the Japanese students have towels around their necks when they're outside: I have a lovely strip of sunburn just on the back of my neck and upper shoulders. I was wearing sunblock too, I guess I just didn't have enough on. It looks really weird because it's just this strip of red at the top, and everything else is still pale as hell. I was going to try to take a picture of it, but I'm way too tired to fuss with that now.
There's been a recent resurgence of fascination with my paleness and eye color lately. It had died down for a while, but again now I've been fielding a ton of questions from the kids of, "why are you so white?" and "do you wear colored contacts? Why are your eyes blue?" I jut hope this doesn't mark a resurgence in chest-groping as well

They've also been really fascinated with my earrings. I'm not even wearing anything that interesting, usually just a hoop in my first hole, but the kids have been really curious about them. Then to totally wig them out, I pop an earring through my second hole. You'd think I was breathing fire or something.
I have a feeling I'm going to read this entry tomorrow and think, "wow, I could barely string a proper sentence together last night...."
But i don't blame them.