Thanks for all the hugs and cheer-ups from my last post. Now that I'm feeling better, I have to admit how silly it was: I was tearing up at "Lady and the Tramp"
I'm back at school full-time as of this week, after a couple very boring weeks of being stuck in my office (spring break and all). Not only that, but I went to my favorite school today, which is almost always good. I taught the first graders, and by taught I mean we played games most of the period. That's the fun of them not knowing anything beyond "Good morning! Good afternoon!" (well, except for what I taught them when they were still elementary school 6th graders, which hopefully they remember). Tomorrow I'm going back for some sort of scavanger hunt around town. Should be interesting.

I'm back at school full-time as of this week, after a couple very boring weeks of being stuck in my office (spring break and all). Not only that, but I went to my favorite school today, which is almost always good. I taught the first graders, and by taught I mean we played games most of the period. That's the fun of them not knowing anything beyond "Good morning! Good afternoon!" (well, except for what I taught them when they were still elementary school 6th graders, which hopefully they remember). Tomorrow I'm going back for some sort of scavanger hunt around town. Should be interesting.
i sometimes cry at films.
The thought of having to waste time to watch Showgirls again is enought to get me tearing up